Brain Injury


Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) & Concussion

Brain injury symptoms are usually multiple, as the brain controls everything about your mental and physical wellbeing. LAPORTE NEUROTHERAPY’s equipment and methods have been documented as successful and effective treatment interventions for mTBI, especially in the areas of verbal and visual memory problems, depression and anxiety. It is also possible to improve brain function after a brain injury using our innovative methods for brain training. Improvements in balance, concentration and attention are also seen with our modalities.

Post Stroke

A stroke is one form of an injury to the brain. The injured area may affect specific functions such as speech, memory, mood and emotional control, movement and balance. After sustaining a stroke, individuals are typically working with teams of healthcare professionals to regain strength, speech, and mobility. Research supports that the technologies we use in our comprehensive approach at LaPorte NeuroTherapy produce a more effective and efficient rehabilitation process, enabling you to have better and faster brain healing and restoration of health and wellbeing.