Q & A
What is Neurotherapy?
Neurotherapy, also called Neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback, is a method of regulating the workings of the brain so it functions in a healthier manner. Impaired or dysregulated brainwaves result in neurological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, learning and attention problems, insomnia, addictive behaviors and much more. Often these symptoms are the result of physical or emotional trauma or events-- Like a car that hits a pothole and is then out of alignment and doesn’t drive quite right. Neurotherapy provides that realignment. This is achieved by repeated training sessions using a computerized Neurofeedback program that teaches your central nervous system to reorganize and regulate brainwave patterns, thereby getting rid of those unwanted symptoms or behaviors.
What is a qEEG Brain Map?
It is a sophisticated piece of technology that assesses all areas of the brain and identifies regions that are not working properly. We offer cutting-edge 19-channel qEEG technology, which is a more precise assessment, coupled with established metabolic, cognitive, & emotional assessments. We pull all this information together—what you identify as concerns, such as anxiety and insomnia for example, and what your qEEG Brain Map identifies as areas of impairment or dysregulation, and then we create an individualized Neurotherapy plan based on your self-identified and brain assessment matches.
Is Neurotherapy covered by insurance?
While some states do provide insurance coverage for some conditions, unfortunately, New Mexico does not. We certainly hope coverage comes soon, but we offer affordable pricing, packages and payment plans in order to provide these clinically proven services to as many people as we can. Our comprehensive approach and latest technology aim to provide the highest quality and most efficient care.
What is Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)?
The iLs methodology integrates music, movement and language exercises for the purpose of improving brain function. iLs programs are designed to be fun, and may be used on their own or in conjunction with Neurotherapy. Scientific research supports iLs, especially combined with Neurotherapy, to improve more complex cognitive functions, including language, self-expression and social skills. It is highly recommended for individuals with the following concerns:
- Anxiety - Learning challenges
- Sleep disorders - Autism/ASD
- Addictions - Mood disorders
How many Neurotherapy sessions will I need?
Most individuals will see significant improvement in less than 10 sessions but 20-30 sessions are most common to meet identified goals. The more metabolic and medically complex conditions one has, including multiple prescription medications, the more likely additional sessions may be required. Whereas, someone who wants to use Neurotherapy for peak performance to reduce performance anxiety may only require 10 sessions.
How much does Neurotherapy cost?
While we have set pricing on our services, we cannot know the specific cost until we complete your comprehensive assessment to determine your specific Neurotherapy needs. We will then share this with you and you can determine the best program to meet your needs and budget.
Can I do Neurotherapy at home?
One of our popular Neurotherapy programs includes home rental units that allows you to complete your Neurotherapy sessions at your convenience in the comfort of your own home. There is also a tremendous cost savings, as the price per session can be reduced by more than 70%. With our home program, your Neurotherapy sessions will still be monitored remotely and mutual feedback will be provided to ensure your goals are being met.