Pain & Migraines

Acute & Chronic Pain

Pain is an unpleasant signal in your nervous system letting you know something may be wrong. It can last for moments or last for what seems to be a lifetime. Pain can begin with an injury or result from a condition such as fibromyalgia or cancer or surgery, but regardless of where it comes from, our NeuroTherapy can help manage it. We can modify the electrical activity of areas of the brain involved in pain processing, pain perception, or pain memory. By doing this, we can reduce or even eliminate unwanted pain.

Pain itself is associated with many other neurological symptoms that our NeuroTherapy helps, such as depression, anxiety, cognitive function and sleep disturbances. Research supports that as our NeuroTherapy reduces pain, individuals also receive the benefits of improved sleep quality and cognition, as well as reduced depression and anxiety.

Migraine & Tension Headaches

Migraines and tension headaches can be triggered by many factors, leaving your brain in a high state of stress and imbalance, often leading to an inability to focus, mood swings and throbbing pain. The standard protocol for those suffering from migraines is medication, yet according to research studies, up to 84% of those taking migraine medications report being unsatisfied. Medications offer temporary pain relief by blocking pain receptor sites, but do not address the brainwave imbalance which may be contributing to your pain.

Clinical research has shown our NeuroTherapy to be one of the most effective solutions for the symptoms of migraines. Our technology and methods can retrain the brain to create new patterns and responses to incoming triggers and stressors. These new responses improve brainwave activity and function. The result is a calmer, happier, healthier brain that has fewer symptoms and flare ups. Studies have shown more than a 54% rate of total cessation of pain and symptoms and 99% reported a decrease in pain and symptoms.

Autoimmune Disorders

Scientific research has also shown that our NeuroTherapy can help remediate the symptoms of autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, or lupus. While our NeuroTherapy does not reverse or “cure” these disorders, there is significant evidence supporting that we may can relieve much of the pain associated with these conditions. People report that they are more energetic with NeuroTherapy and are not as greatly affected by flare-ups of these conditions.