Sensory Integration

 Autism & Behavior Regulation

The symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) usually begin to emerge by age 2 or 3. This may include inability to perceive sights and sounds adequately, resistance to change in daily routines, poor motor skills, repetitive behaviors or movements, hyper-focus on one thing and loud outbursts. We provide a customized plan based on your child’s symptoms to achieve the most optimal outcomes.

Clinical research supports the efficacy of the NeuroTherapy technologies we offer and specifically shows improvements in the following areas: initiation of touch and contact, reduced emotional outbursts and anxiety, clear speech patterns, better responses to parental and teacher instructions, increased imaginative thought, decreased hyperactivity, fine and gross motor skills, sleep and improvement of social skills.

Coordination & Balance

Our balance and coordination are extremely important for our health and safety throughout the lifespan. From walking, to riding a bike, to writing or getting out of bed— coordination and balance are important functions and the system governing these important functions can be improved at any age. LAPORTE NEUROTHERAPY offers individualized assessment and plans to improve balance, coordination, and awareness of the body in space.