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Tap Into the POWER of Your Brain

Regain your Health & Wellbeing

Welcome to LAPORTE NEUROTHERAPY. The brain is an amazing and complex organ. It is responsible for coordination and balance, language and speech, judgement and perception, memory and learning, hunger, thirst and sleep, our senses— touch, taste, vision, hearing, pain, as well as creativity and emotions, just to name a few!

Neuroplasticity is a new buzz word you may have heard, which is a fancy way of saying that your brain has the ability to create new neural pathways. It is not hard-wired and its ability to heal is not limited or fixed.

Any number of neurological conditions or events can create dysregulated brainwave patterns causing symptoms such as memory loss or brain fog, learning or attention challenges, anxiety and insomnia, addictive behaviors, depression and emotional imbalance. Stress itself can also generate dysregulated brainwave patterns causing loss of mental focus and clarity, forgetfulness, and an inability to concentrate or have the depth and quality of sleep necessary to feel good or perform at your best.

We are just not our best and true self when any area of our brain is not functioning as it is meant to function. We are here to help you claim your best and true self back through our state-of-the-art, life changing neurotherapy. Our innovative and customized methods are drug-free, non-invasive solutions that have over 50 years of university based research demonstrating their efficacy.

Contact us to find out more about how LaPorte NeuroTherapy can help you achieve life-changing results.