Due to our environment and the ongoing stressors impacting the body every second of everyday, the body can become overwhelmed and our brainwaves can become abnormal. The longer these stressors, marked by excessive worry, sleep abnormalities, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating persists, the deeper the abnormal “groove” becomes and the more difficult it becomes to break out of that rut.

Living with anxiety or depression affects relationships, work, and the ability to focus and enjoy life.

The beauty of LAPORTE NEUROTHERAPY is that research supports that the cutting-edge technologies we offer may reduce or eliminate the use of anxiety and depression medications and actually transform an unhealthy, abnormal brainwave pattern into a normal, healthy, organized pattern for lasting change! That’s right— our methods do not lend themselves to limitless brain training for years on end. Our NeuroTherapy is like learning to ride a bike— at some point, the training wheels come off for good!