Addictive Behaviors

 Substance Abuse

Individuals often turn to excessive use of drugs and alcohol to feel numb and forget, creating a disconnect with the mind and body. Our NeuroTherapy bridges that gap by improving self-regulation and awareness. This produces enhanced coping skills, improved sleep, better focus and attention, and overall emotional calm and wellbeing.

Clinical studies reveal that abstinence rates can be improved using the NeuroTherapy we offer, showing it to both compliment and enhance the efficacy of recovery programs for substance use disorders.


People start smoking and keep smoking for a number of reasons. For many, it takes the edge off the stressors of daily life, it allows social break times, and most smokers attest to having better, sharper brain function and performance. It is often very difficult to quit smoking due to nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which may include hunger, cravings, weight gain, restlessness, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Recent research studies support Neurotherapy may be beneficial in helping to quit smoking for good. Neurotherapy trains your brain so that the pleasures associated with smoking are diminished while being replaced with the lasting benefits of NeuroTherapy. Not only does Neurotherapy improve brain performance, but it also eliminates the symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorder behaviors are often perpetuated because there is a disconnect between the body and the brain, similar to substance abuse. Our NeuroTherapy helps you reconnect with your body and your emotions by stabilizing and regulating your brain and improving self-regulation. A well functioning brain helps you move past rough emotions to a good place of contentment.

Most people receiving treatment for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, compulsive overeating and obesity do not only struggle with food, but often struggle with anxiety, mood disorders, depression, and PTSD that our NeuroTherapy technologies are also proven to help.

LAPORTE NEUROTHERAPY can be an integral part of a comprehensive eating disorder treatment plan. Contact us to learn more.