We have many tools in our arsenal to help you sleep like a baby!

Insomnia may be the result of stress, anxiety, trauma and a number of other reasons, which can disrupt daily life by causing irritability, fatigue, tiredness, and difficulty staying focused. Sleep difficulties are also believed to be a risk factor for other diseases, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. 

Recent studies suggest that the stress hormones caused by sleep disorders create abnormal brainwaves. Neurofeedback Brain Mapping technology helps to identify the brainwave imbalance that may be contributing to your inability to sleep and our NeuroTherapy services will retrain your brain and improve brainwave function in those key areas affected by insomnia. As the brain learns new responses, new patterns and pathways develop improving brainwave function as you begin to sleep better, longer.

Research supports our NeuroTherapy technologies to be effective, drugless, natural approach to insomnia, for improved energy, health and wellbeing.


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One of our tools to fight insomnia is the Dreampad. Peer-reviewed, evidence-based research shows the Dreampad helps you fall asleep and sleep through the night.

The Dreampad is equally effective for all ages, and particularly helpful for those experiencing stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances. 

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