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qEEG Brain Map & Neurofeedback

The Journal of Neuopathy published a position paper, “Standards of Practice for Neurofeedback and Neurotherapy: A Position Paper of the International Society for Neurofeedback & Research (ISNR). In this position paper, ISNR stated that an objective assessment of the client’s EEG function should precede neurofeedback training. There are several procedures by which this may be accomplished, the most thorough being a quantitative EEG (qEEG) wherein in the functioning of the brain is objectively assessed in comparison with normative data for the client’s age, clinical and family history, and presenting symptoms.

Keeping in line with best practice for the most thorough and person-centered results, we offer a 19-Channel qEEG Brain Map for all multiple-site brain training. We also offer single channel training, but it does not provide as much leverage to change the brain as two site and four site training and does not require a qEEG assessment.

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Metabolic Screening & Symptom Assessment

We start with a metabolics questionnaire because it is a well established fact that certain metabolic conditions may interfere with and cause an increased response time with NeuroTherapy training. This screening questionnaire and symptom assessment also enables us to identify metabolic disorders or potential metabolic disorders that would be important for you to follow up on with your primary care physician. We use these assessments prior to each qEEG Brain Map and can track and trend associated symptoms.

Cognitive Emotional Checklist

The Cognitive Emotional Checklist or CEC is a standardized psychological test that rates the severity of different cognitive and emotional disorders.

The information from this checklist will be used to correlate and validate your symptoms with the Brain Map report Symptom Assessment.

Measure of Foundational Abilities (MFA) Assessment

This is an assessment of symptoms related to learning abilities. We use the MFA before each qEEG Brain Map to provide a clear measure of individual and aggregate results and can also track and trend training results.

qEEG Brain Map Assessment

As mentioned above, the QEEG Brain Map is the most objective and thorough assessment of brain function and LaPorte NeuroTherapy offers the latest 19-channel technology vs. 12-channel or less. The Brain Map Assessment should not be considered as diagnostic, rather the qEEG Assessment is designed to identify dysregulated brain wave patterns that may be related to certain symptoms that you are experiencing. QEEG Brain Maps are suggestive of findings and possible correlation with certain symptoms and therefore useful for selecting effective neurofeedback protocols for neurofeedback and neurotherapy training.



Neurofeedback is a method of training brainwaves to alter the structure and function of the brain to overcome certain symptoms. This concept is based on a neurological model known as Neuroplasticity. Research has proven that when we learn something, the brain alters its structure and function. Through repetition, the brain becomes more efficient in its ability to retain what is being repeated. Neurofeedback is a training method that teaches the brain how to produce more normalized brain wave patterns by creating new neuroplastic connections in the brain. As brain waves normalize, your brain is better able to regulate itself and many of the symptoms that you are experiencing begin to diminish and fade away.

During neurofeedback, you are connected to a computer using non–invasive, painless sensors. The computer reads your brain waves and when brain waves appear properly ordered it feeds back that information back to you. This feedback appears in the form of a game, movie, or sound that tells you when your brainwaves are ordered correctly. For example, if brain waves are moving in a more ordered direction, then the picture on the monitor gets brighter. If the brain wave patterns move away from an orderly pattern, the screen gets darker. This exercise provides a built in incentive for the brain to organize itself into a more orderly fashion because it has a natural drive to want to see the movie clearly and brightly. This form of learning is known as Operant Conditioning and just like learning to ride a bicycle; the new brain wave pattern becomes a permanent part of your behavior. Follow–up studies on neurofeedback show that the effects continue for up to 30 years.

For more information about BrainCore Neurofeedback and the research to support neurofeedback, please visit

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If you have an interest in learning more about Heart Rate Variability and Coherence, check out this website:

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Neurofeedback Enhancers

Neurofeedback Enhancers or Adjuncts are performed prior to Neurofeedback sessions to enhance the Neurofeedback response. They are not necessary but prepare the brain to train more efficiently and effectively.

Heart Math - Heart Rate Variability (HRV) EmWave

  • EmWave (a type of biofeedback) is designed to teach you how to control the time interval between heartbeats. Research has demonstrated that mastering this ability reduces stress and anxiety and enhances brain function.

  • More than any other factors, stress and anxiety are the biggest obstacles to Neurofeedback response time. EmWave is a quick and effective way to eliminate stress and anxiety during Neurofeedback sessions.

  • The goal of EmWave is to bring you into a state of optimal function called coherence. A number of important physiological changes occur during coherence:

    • Respiration improves

    • Blood pressure drops

    • Hormones become regulated

    • Digestion is enhanced

    • Immune function is stronger

    • The brain functions better with improved memory, concentration, focus and the ability to learn

  • You will learn to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, which not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how you perceive, think, feel, and perform.

Bionosity Entrainment

  • A way of guiding the brain to produce a specific brainwave frequency by exposing the brain to blinking lights at a specific frequency (determined by your Assessment), and/or tones at a specific frequency.

  • Bionosity Entrainment is different than Neurofeedback in that the brain does not learn how to produce a frequency, rather entrainment guides the brain to produce a certain frequency.

  • Our BrainCore Neurofeedback equipment uses Bionosity Entrainment as a way of facilitating the Neurofeedback learning experience.

  • Bionosity provides a pleasurable experience, as you watch a video that has a border flashing at the desired frequency, as well as beautiful music that is also embedded with your training frequency.